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Welcombe Avenue, Park North, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 2QN
01793 342342

Year 4


Mrs Rogers-Smy- Class 13

Miss Morris- Class 14

Mr Milsom- Class 15

Mrs Wright

Mrs Blake

Miss Gibbons


All classes have P:E on a Wednesday. Please make sure your child comes into school on this day wearing their P:E kit. 

Our school P:E kit consists of a yellow t-shirt and plain black or grey shorts. Sweatpants can be worn during the colder months but will still need to be black or grey. 


Homework is set on a Friday and due the following Wednesday.  Children only need to complete one activity each week. 


Please ensure your child has their reading book in school everyday. Your child would benefit from reading with an adult every evening. Children will have access to books from the new school library as well and books for fluency practice. 

Fluency books

Class 13- Matilda

Class 14- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Class 15- I was a rat!

QR code for access to the library- 


Children across the school have access to Times Table Rockstar and Spelling Shed to practice their times tables and spellings. Please encourage your child to play this at home. 



Look at our curriculum map to find out what we will be learning about in Year 4 this term.